Better Bilingual EAL Network meeting (BANES) was held on 5th March at St Philip’s C of E Primary School

  1. Alice Herve from ‘Bath Welcomes Refugees’ spoke about her work with refugee families including organising tuition for the children.
  2. Yasmin Malik highlighted the ‘Young interpreters Scheme’ providing peer to peer support.
  3. Jo Childs-Evans shared EAL good practice at St Philip’s and how the school builds on learners’ language experiences enabling them to bridge the gap between school and home more smoothly as well celebrating and building positive identities.
  4. Catherine Brennan talked about EAL Quality Mark – celebrating and having your EAL good practice recognised.
  5. Opportunity for all to share EAL successes, challenges & question

People who attended the networks, included Head of MAT, Assistant Head, Inclusion Lead, EAL Lead, Secondary teachers (Maths, Science, English), Primary teachers (KS1, KS2), Specialist EAL TA, SEND colleagues, Parent of children learning through EAL and volunteers from Community Sponsorship Scheme


Categories: EAL


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